
Battle of Kiev (September 1941)

General Heinz Guderian
September 1941

I failed to pursade Hitler to change the decision of turning my panzer group around and going for the Kiev. He reasoned that the raw materials and agriculture of Ukraine are more important for the future of the war, and added, “My generals know nothing about the economic aspects of war”. There’s no turning back now. The order had been made and the advance of Army Group Centre on Moscow will stop.

Our task now is to destroy the Russian Fifth Army and help Army Group South with the crossing of the Dnieper. After a month of bitter fighting, we were finally able to bring an end to the Battle of Kiev, destroying or capturing much of the enemy forces, on 26th September.

About 665,000 Red Army soldiers were capture, among which was the Commander of the Fifth Army (Hereby referred to as FAC). I had a conversation with this officer.

I: “When did you learn that y tanks had penetrated behind you?”
FAC: “About the 8th of September.”
I: “Why did you not evacuate Kiev at once?”
FAC: “We had received orders from the Army Group to evacuate the area and withdraw eastwards and had already begun to do so, when we received contrary orders to turn about and to defend Kiev in all circumstances.”

Undoubtedly, we achieved a great tactical victory at Kiev.
Heinz Guderian

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