
Leningrad Objective Abandoned, Moscow is next. (October 1941)

ZHUKOV, Leningrad
Commander of the Reserve Front

October 7 1941

Winter will be upon us soon. Leningrad is under siege but not lost. Hitler has lost his patience and will focus on Moscow now. Army Group North had largely surrounded the city, cutting off all supply routes to Leningrad. Leningrad is in a dire situation. But the Nazis have left the city and have joined Army Group South and Centre in their final push towards Moscow. The city is still being bombarded with artillery fire and from the air. However, Soviet air reconnaissance had earlier, already detected the transfer of troops, mechanized and tank columns towards the South and away from Leningrad and some are already in Moscow.

Our fronts are in danger of becoming severely exposed. We have suffered immense casualties and strategic losses. A portion of the Western and Reserve Front have just been surrounded west of Vyazma. Comrade Stalin will not be pleased about this. We need to rectify the situation if we are to survive another intended onslaught by the Germans in Moscow. I'm returning to Moscow immedidately. Fedyuninsky will take my place in Leningrad.

ZHUKOV, Leningrad
Commander of the Reserve Front

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