
End of Phase 1 (September 1941)

General Friedrich Paulus
September 1941

The development of the Eastern campaign went well thus far, but did not go exactly as we planned it. The Supreme Headquarters decided to hold the attack on Leningrad to avoid the high amount of losses that come with the capture of a big city. For the time being, we will seal it off.

Army Group Centre advanced so deep into enemy territories that its south flank is exposed and is ordered to halt to wait for Army Group South to advance. In the meantime, it is decided that Army Group Centre should turn south and go after enemy forces in the east of the Dnieper. In the north, Army Group North is reported to be having some difficulties dealing with its task and needed reinforcement from Army Group Centre.

Finally on 10th September, the Kiev fell, but bitter fighting continued in Smolensk throughout. The Russians are fighting harder that we had thought they will. The headquarters ordered Army Group North to take Tikhvin and Volkhov to seize the bauxite mines, establish an eastern screen to seal off Leninggrad and establish contact with the Finnish Army.

The weather is getting from bad to worse and the winter is fast approaching. We must now decide whether to go on the defensive and hold our ground until spring next year. It is clear that the campaign will not be concluded within the timeframe we set ourselves.

Heil Hitler
Friedrich Paulus

Advancing through Russia

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