
Winter Approaches (November 1941)

Friedrich Paulus
November 1941

From the letters I have been receiving from the fields, the situation is not going very well for us. The weather is of no help and is turning from bad to worse as winter approaches. The Russians seem to have an inexhaustible amount of manpower and every Russian killed is taken over by 3 more. Our supplies are also running dangerously low.

Here are some letters I received from friends in the fields, the situation looks grim.

From Lieut-General Himer

5 October 1941
…The Russians are resisting with unparalleled tenacity. Strong point after strong point has to be captured individually. As often as not, we cannot get them out even with flame-throwers, and we have to blow the whole thing to bits… As soon as we get some reinforcements, we’ll push through the last inch on the map and we’ll be in the Crimea.

From General Rudolf Schmidt

13 November 1941
…Boots are torn to shreds and are a disgrace. Many of the men are going about with their feet wrapped in paper, and there is a great dearth of gloves. As far as winter clothing is concerned, the Quartermaster-General deserves every sing curse that can be hurled at him… This total lack of foresight and care makes even these splendid fellows of ours dispirited and rebellious… Then in the newspapers they read wonderful speeches – “come what may, this winter our brave soldiers need not fear the cold”!...

From Buerker, GSO I, 10 Panzer Division

17 November 1941
…I am worried about this aspect, simply because I realize how hard put to it we shall be in the spring to muster a sufficient number of good Panzer divisions, ready for the next offensive…

I hope it will all go well for my friends out in the fields. Push on my friends!

Heil Hitler
Friedrich Paulus

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