
Counter-offensives. (November 1941)

Zhukov, Moscow
November 30 1941

Heavy losses from our counter offensives and defensive strategy, unpreparedness for combat under winter conditions and the stubborn resistance of the Soviet troops has greatly affected the enemy's combat ability. Up till now, it seemed the Germans had the upper hand. But their inablity to breach our defensive front have allowed us time to consolidate and strategise. The Soviet counter-offensive was born of defensive fighting. Throughout this entire month, we have been defending the advances of the enemy. The weaknesses of the German forces over time have allowed us to consider finally, a full scale counter offensive. The Germans are finally exhausted. They never expected us to hold on for so long, winter has certainly paralysed them. Stalin had to be convinced of the need of a full scale counter-offensive. We have reformed armies and a strengthened and reinforced front, we are about to turn the tables firmly against the Germans, who have begun so terrifyingly successful in all their conquests.

Zhukov, Moscow

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