
Peace Destroyed by The Nazis (June 1941)

June 23 1941, Moscow

It is impossible. I can't believe the Germans have broken the pact. I refused to believe it even till the point Molotov came back with the announcement that the German government had declared war on us. War is upon us prematurely. There is nothing much that we can do with the might of German forces and the infant nature of our own in comparison. The invasion has developed on all strategic directions. Maybe we can reverse this. Somehow I still hope to escape this war with the Germans. Hopefully by restricting our army and navy from violating the German borders. The Germans will think twice about this mistake. Maybe the Germans will reconsider this treacherous decision to invade us when we've agreed prior to non- agression. This must a mistake. Setting up the Stakav is secondary at the moment. We have to face the german forces head on now. Timoshenko is to command the Western Direction. Voroshilov to command the Northwestern and Budenny, the Southwestern. Failure is not an option.


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