
An Immense Task Ahead (June 1941)

General Heinz Guderian
June 1941

Looking at the immense task lying ahead of me, I concentrated my efforts on training and equipping my division. Unfortunately, German vehicle production below our required level and the Fuhrer ordered the use of inferior French vehicles for the new divisions. I fear the quality of these vehicles may not stand up to the challenge of the eastern front.

Complications in Belgrade in March caused some delays in our Russian plans, but those were quickly dealt with and the troops involved now withdrawn and relocated for Barbarossa. In addition, the rainy spring season of May flooded the Bug and made it almost impassable, causing us further delay in our plans. The delay is worrying as it pushes us nearer to the Russian winter. Nonetheless, the high command is unshaken in the faith of completing the campaign in eight to ten weeks.

On June 14th, the Fuhrer held a speech to all commanders of Army Groups in Berlin. He explained that the reason for attacking Russia was due to the stalemate in the battle of Britain. In order to defeat England, he believes that we have to dominate the Continent, and our position will only be unassailable when Russia had been defeated. In my opinion, the arguments were unconvincing. As long as the war with England remained unconcluded, any new campaign will result in a two front war.

From the available information, I estimate the strength of the German Army to be as follows.
  • Total: 205 divisions
  • West: 38 divisions
  • Norway: 12 divisions
  • Denmark: 1 division
  • Balkans: 7 divisions
  • Libya: 2 divisions

And therefore, 145 divisions available for operation Barbarossa.

After the Fuhrer’s speech, I flew to Warsaw to prepare for the opening attack. My panzer group – panzer group 2 – belongs to Army Group Centre, the only group with two panzer groups allotted to it. General Hoth’s panzer group 3 will be positioned to my immediate north.

Our group’s mission will be to cross the Bug on either side of Brest-Litovsk and break through Russian positions. We are to advance to the area Roslavl-Elnya-Smolensk and prevent the enemy from regrouping and forming a new front. From there we will receive further instructions of our next objective. The main problem of my panzer group will be one of geography. While the fortifications of Brest-Litovsk are obsolete, the combination of the Bug, the Muchaview and water-filled ditches makes them immune to tank attack. The infantry will have to lead the attack.

Heinz Guderian

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