
Out Of My Coma (July 1941)

STALIN, Moscow
July 4 1941 

I've just addressed the Soviet Union and her people. We will retaliate and make Hitler pay for violating the agreement. The betrayal did take it's toll on me. Hitler's betrayal is not just a mortal threat to the Soviet Union but a direct threat to me. The Red Army will fight to the death and repel this treacherous invasion by the Nazis.

After meeting with Comrade Zhukov and my other comrade generals on several occasions, plans have been drawn up to counter this invasion. Counter attack on all fronts is imperative. We can't afford to lose any more time, ground or men. No more discussions are needed, things instead need to be done.

I have already shown that I have no qualms executing and removing incompetence from my Army. We cannot lose another city to the Germans.

I've already lost Minsk to incompetence coupled with the immense forces of the Nazis. Lithuania, Latvia and Belorussia have also been abandoned. Estonia, Ukraine and Moldavia have now been invaded. 15 divisions lost in a matter of days and the Nazis have already reached the Western Dvina River. Army Group South are heading towards Kiev. Something drastic needs to be done before we lose these territories to Hitler as well. I do not care for the specifics, be it Army Group South or North, I just want him halted and destroyed.

STALIN, Moscow

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