
Kiev Has To Be Forsaken (July 1941)

Chief Of The General Staff
July 28 1941

Just got sent out of Stalin's office for suggesting what was apparently the 'impossible' and' unthinkable' He's probably replacing me as Chief of the General Staff after that bold remark.

We have no choice but to surrender Kiev if we want to protect Moscow and prepare for the Nazi offensive into our capital city. Hitler is aiming for Moscow. He has already diverted his forces towards our capital city.We need all the time we can get to concentrate our forces behind the junction of the Central and Southwestern fronts. Kiev will have to be abandoned. Stalin was appalled at my proposal. I had no choice. I could not be sentimental at this point, we have to stop the Germans realistically and we will be foolish to hold onto Kiev.

We need to consolidate on the Western Direction and organize a counterstrike to liquidate the Yelnya salient which the Germans could use against Moscow.

Stalin is too emotionally attached to Kiev. I need to make a strategic stand about my decision. He can't trust me nor the position he entrusted me with. What use is the post of the ' Chief of the General Staff'. We need to stop the Nazi advance and ironically we need to give Kiev up, in order to protect Moscow.

Yelnya will be our chance to strike a counter offensive. Army Group Centre will be deprived of the Panzers. We have the opportunity to render their forces static and engage in multiple counterattacks and prevent the Nazis from using Yelnya. We will lose Kiev but we may not lose Leningrad. Moscow must remain the priority to defend at all costs. Stalin needs to hear this instead of sending me out!

Chief Of The General Staff

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