
Move of Soviet Factories (November 1942)

Alexander Yakovlev, Soviet aircraft designer
30th November 1942

We are near the 25000 mark for overall airplane production! Our workers have done their best, and delivered forth an endless stream of Yak-9 aircraft for the war effort. I heard that on the radio for Marshal Zhukov’s offensive alone in Stalingrad, we managed to field 1500 aircraft that included a majority of my Yak-9 fighter aircraft against the Luftwaffe’s 1200. Now as we encircle the German dogs who are “stuck in their shit”, hold up in Stalingrad, we have shot down many repeated attempts by their planes to resupply their beleaguered forces. May our glorious pilots continue to make life miserable for these rats who treated us with contempt, but now must endure the suffering of the same kind of bombing that they have inflicted upon us for the past years.

A tank producing factory

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