
Corporal Gunter's Diary (December 1942)

15 December 1942

Our outpost was destoryed two days ago. God be with Meinhard, Swina and the rest. Only a few of us remained. Yesterday, we managed to regroup with some other German combat units moving in on the counter. Our morale hit rock bottom.  Some of the men bailed out, shooting themselves in the arms or legs.
Today, while in my snow hole, we heard a firefight going on in our flanks. I wanted to stand up but I could not. My legs were stiffed like wood. My kneecap was stiff and swollen from a wound –which I covered with a plaster – which I suffered while running yesterday.

It was Haemorrhage, due to the little hole I covered with the plaster. The blood cound not escape and was clogged up inside the leg. The leg has to be placed in cast  and immobilised. I was transported to the medical assembly to wait for the ambulance. Surprisingly, im a little happy to be leaving.

Heimatschuss. As least I will be leaving the battlefield with a little honor and with my life.

Corporal Gunter

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