
Defend and Destroy (October 1941)

Stalin, Moscow
October 7 1941

Zhukov is key in my plans for the defense of Moscow. Leningrad is considered lost for now. Moscow will not be taken by the Nazis. Winter will work in our favor, as with our ferocious defensive capabilities. I need to know how the Fronts are doing. Zhukov shall be in charge of gathering these important pieces of information regarding the Western Front first, followed by the Reserve and finally the Bryansk Front. The Stakva has to take urgent steps to defend the capital.

The task that I will give Zhukov is clear, defend and concentrate on the defensive line in Moscow. Zhukov will ensure that a strong defense line will be created through Volokolamsk, Mozhaisk, Maloyaroslaverts and Kaluga and form Front reserves. He will need to utilise to his advantage, a system of road and rail communications that will enable troops to maneuver in all directions. This will be known as the Moscow Reserve Front!

Hitler has already lost six weeks in consolidating his forces from Leningrad towards Moscow, the rain has helped us in slowing them down. We have to exploit this advantage to the fullest. For now, 40% of our troops should be concentrated at the western approaches of Moscow. The Mozhaisk Defense Line is our priority! I need the troops to be withdrawn from the other fronts and focus on defending this 136-mile-wide line. we cannot afford a loophole or a slip up that the Germans can use to their advantage.

I will not be forced by Hitler and his tyrant ways to give up Moscow, as I had to do with Kiev and Leningrad. They are at the footsteps of our capital. I must repel them. Moscow will not be another Leningrad. I will, with all the power vested in me, ensure that that would not happen.

Stalin, Moscow

Leningrad Objective Abandoned, Moscow is next. (October 1941)

ZHUKOV, Leningrad
Commander of the Reserve Front

October 7 1941

Winter will be upon us soon. Leningrad is under siege but not lost. Hitler has lost his patience and will focus on Moscow now. Army Group North had largely surrounded the city, cutting off all supply routes to Leningrad. Leningrad is in a dire situation. But the Nazis have left the city and have joined Army Group South and Centre in their final push towards Moscow. The city is still being bombarded with artillery fire and from the air. However, Soviet air reconnaissance had earlier, already detected the transfer of troops, mechanized and tank columns towards the South and away from Leningrad and some are already in Moscow.

Our fronts are in danger of becoming severely exposed. We have suffered immense casualties and strategic losses. A portion of the Western and Reserve Front have just been surrounded west of Vyazma. Comrade Stalin will not be pleased about this. We need to rectify the situation if we are to survive another intended onslaught by the Germans in Moscow. I'm returning to Moscow immedidately. Fedyuninsky will take my place in Leningrad.

ZHUKOV, Leningrad
Commander of the Reserve Front