
Peace Between Soviets and Nazis? (August 1939)

First Soviet Mongolian Army Group

August  31 1939, Manchuko

We’ve just defeated Japan by encircling their 6th Army. Using elaborate deceptive measures, we managed to wipe the Japanese out with our artillery and air attacks. Our feud with Japan has now ceased for the time being and as Commander Stalin had apparently signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler and Ribbentrop on the 23rd of August, we have become de-facto allies with Japan and the Italy in the Axis Power Alliance. The success in Manchukuo has given me great satisfaction, I’ve managed to prove myself and gotten rid of the slanderous accusations that followed me to Japan. Being awarded the military title of ‘Hero of the Soviet Union’ proves my evident innocence. Without the success of Japan, I would have fell under the purges of Commander Stalin. Being posted to Khalkin-Gol was a blessing.

Germany seems to be dominating every aspect of European politics. According to the maps, our eastern front is safe, for now. Onto other threats, the only other major one belongs with the Western Powers. We needed an ally to galvanize and substantiate ourselves against the threat of capitalism. At least we have one threat less. We can focus on the hidden initiatives of the Western Powers. Our Eastern Front is secure for now. We need to prolong the peace between Germany and the Soviet Union. Assisting the Germans can only strengthen our position against the West, and would deflect any attention towards us. In terms of tactical geography now, we are safe and secure even if another world war breaks out again. We’re on a tactical winning streak. Hopefully it will stay that way.

First Soviet Mongolian Army Group


Peace and Advantage Secured (August 1939)

August 20, 1939 Moscow

Hitler thinks he has tricked me into signing the non-aggression pact. I believed I have tricked him instead. I already know war with Germany is inevitable. All I need is time. So as long as Hitler gets his hands full in a long protracted war with the Allies, the Red Army will be ready. I read Mein Kampf, this pact isn’t friendly, only strategic. We can delay a war with the Nazis and use the time for rearmament. Hitler’s obsession with Lebensraum in the east clearly marks the Soviet Union as a target. It is inevitable. We are secure, depending on the war now between Germany and the Allies.



Peace and Advantage Secured (August 1939)

August 19, 1939 Moscow

Hitler and Ribbentrop had just proposed a non-aggression pact to the Soviet Union. The conditions are favorable definitely to the Soviet Union. With the impending German threat quelled by this pact for a year and a half, it gives me the time to regroup with my generals Zhukov and Molotov, to repulse fascist Germany should they decide to attack the Soviet Union after. The treaty doesn’t infringe our territorial integrity, sovereignty and honor of the Soviet Union. A peace treaty with Britain and France will only mean further danger for the USSR in the future, even though it means war would be avoided. The appeasement policy by Chamberlain speaks volumes of the allied fear of Hitler. My goal is that Germany carry out the war as long as possible so that England and France grow weary and become exhausted to such a degree that they are no longer in a position to put down a Sovietized Germany in the case of a Germany defeat. All in all, the main goal remains, the communist network has to expand.

I have chosen to accept this pact and Molotov will be signing the pact with Ribbentrop. It can only be good for the Soviet Union, despite Hitler and Ribbentrop being infamously known as cannibals. this initiative by them shows that they may be serious about peace between Nazi Germany and the USSR.