
Peace and Advantage Secured (August 1939)

August 19, 1939 Moscow

Hitler and Ribbentrop had just proposed a non-aggression pact to the Soviet Union. The conditions are favorable definitely to the Soviet Union. With the impending German threat quelled by this pact for a year and a half, it gives me the time to regroup with my generals Zhukov and Molotov, to repulse fascist Germany should they decide to attack the Soviet Union after. The treaty doesn’t infringe our territorial integrity, sovereignty and honor of the Soviet Union. A peace treaty with Britain and France will only mean further danger for the USSR in the future, even though it means war would be avoided. The appeasement policy by Chamberlain speaks volumes of the allied fear of Hitler. My goal is that Germany carry out the war as long as possible so that England and France grow weary and become exhausted to such a degree that they are no longer in a position to put down a Sovietized Germany in the case of a Germany defeat. All in all, the main goal remains, the communist network has to expand.

I have chosen to accept this pact and Molotov will be signing the pact with Ribbentrop. It can only be good for the Soviet Union, despite Hitler and Ribbentrop being infamously known as cannibals. this initiative by them shows that they may be serious about peace between Nazi Germany and the USSR.


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