
Decision (January 1943)

FieldMarshal Friedrich Paulus
30 January 1943

Through leaflets dropped from the air, the Russians issued us an ultimatum. The higher command has ordered us to not surrender and fight to the last man. I told the commanders that there is no question of capitulation, and never to mention it again.

Supplies can no longer be delivered and the only possible mean was by air drop. This system is an utter failure and complete nonsense! The supplies dropped is far too little and a large number of these supplies fell into enemy hads. The rations are running low and medical supplies scarce.

Those empty promises from Hitler! Promises of supplies and reinforcements that never came! My men are now on the brink of collapse.

*** German Vulgarities*** He even gave the lot of us promotions. Of what use is rank now?

The choice is clear. We will have to capitulate.

Friedrich Paulus

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